In this section, we will compare MO diagrams for diatomic molecules X-X, from Li2 to Ne2. We will predict their bond order and see how the energies of the different orbitals change. We will also compare our predictions to experimental evidence. First, though, we need to talk about a new effect, s-p mixing.
Let's think about the orbitals we use to make MO diagrams for the first row elements, Li-Ne. We don't have to worry about 1s orbitals, because their interactions don't have much effect on the properties of the molecule. The core orbitals are completely full, so there can't be any net bonding between them. They are also smaller, so they have worse overlap with core orbitals on other atoms, and lower energy, so they have bad energy match with valence orbitals on other atoms.
We will use 2s and 2p orbitals. The 2p orbitals that make π combinations don't do anything new. But we have to think more about the σ orbitals. Both 2s and 2pz can make σ bonds. Do they do this separately? It turns out that sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. In molecules like F2, they mostly interact separately, because the energy match between them is very bad. F 2s is much lower energy than F 2p. So you get an MO diagram as shown in the figure. You can see that including the 2s orbitals does not change the bond order, because both the bonding and anti-bonding combination are filled.
However, in elements with less difference between the 2s and 2p energies, like carbon, the 2s and 2pz orbitals can mix. This means that we can add some p-character to the bonding s combination, so the overlap is better. And we can add some p-character to the s antibonding combination so that the overlap is worse, and it is less antibonding. (Basically they form sp hybrids, like you have seen before. However, they are unequal hybrids, with more s in one and more p in the other.) We can picture sp hybrids making 4 combinations. We get a strongly bonding combination, a weakly bonding combination, a weakly antibonding combination, and a strongly antibonding combination. Or you can think of it as making a bonding, 2 non-bonding, and an antibonding combination. The combinations are shown in the figure.
What effect does sp-mixing have on the MO diagram? The 2s bonding orbital becomes more bonding, and gets lower in energy. The 2p anti-bonding orbital becomes even more antibonding, and gets higher in energy. The two in the middle might be harder to predict (especially because the molecule will use whatever ratios of s and p in the hybrids is best for lowering the total energy) but probably the lower one gets lower and the higher one gets higher. We would have to use complicated computer calculations to know exactly, but we can make pretty useful predictions just by thinking about it.
Now we're ready to look at MO diagrams for the first row series. Note that the molecules that aren't common and stable might still be more stable in the gas phase than single atoms. For instance, in a gas of Li metal, diatomic molecules will form.
The figure shows a summary of the energy levels, so we can see how
they change. The number of electrons increases as we move from right
to left. You can also
see that the gap between the s and p-based orbitals gets bigger from
left to right. (Also see that here.) The result is that
sp-mixing decreases from left to right, because orbitals only mix well
if they have similar energies. Between N and O the σ(2p) crosses
below the π MOs. We can match up the MO diagrams with the
experimental data, such as bond length and bond strength, which
suggests the bond order, and the magnetic properties, which tell us
how many unpaired electrons the molecule has.
Molecule | D (kcal/mol) | r (Å) |
H2 | 103 | 0.74 |
Li2 | 26 | 2.67 |
B2 | 66 | 1.59 |
C2 | 144 | 1.24 |
N2 | 225 | 1.10 |
O2 | 118 | 1.21 |
F2 | 37 | 1.42 |