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Camera and Display
This prototype displays video and stills from a 2 megapixel camera on a seven inch touch screen LCD.

7" TFT LCD Display with 800 x 480 pixels, 18 bit color, and touch screen interface
2 megapixel, fixed focus color camera
400 MHz processor with built-in DSP, 80 kBytes of instruction RAM, 32 kBytes cache, 32 kBytes data
FPGA dedicated to camera, display and PSRAM
32 MByte of SDRAM
32 MByte of NOR flash
16 MBytes of PSRAM for display memory
8 kBytes of FRAM
3 axis accelerometer for orientation detection
USB port for connection to PC or power
Proprietary embedded operating system
Rechargeable Battery
Motor Controller
This prototype was developed for Build-It-Yourself, a business that helps youngsters be creative with technology.

TI TMS430 microcontroller
Two terminal input uses resistance value to start, stop and reverse DC electric motor
Motor outputs drive up to 400mA at 4V
Battery or USB powered
Made For Apple Accessory
This prototype was delivered to a client.

Bluetooth connection to iPhone or iPod
IR connection to any standard TV or set top box
Battery or USB powered